Historically, the Canorient Christian Association has it’s roots in the Indo Pakistan Christian Association which was founded in Montreal in 1965. The membership was open to all Christians of Indo Pakistan origin. Subsequently, in late 1971, the Organization was incorporated as the Canorient Christian Association, as part of the previous name had already been registered by another Association. In 1974, with a larger population of our Community in Toronto, a Toronto Chapter was established with Montreal’s encouragement and support.
On Sunday November 6th 1988, about 55 people gathered at St. Francis’ Parish Hall and voted to start a Calgary Chapter of the Canorient Christian Association. At the meeting, the election of an Executive Committee was proposed and the following people were nominated and elected:
- President: Adrian Montes
- Vice President: Joe Almeida
- Secretary: Tony Rocha
- Treasurer: Delphine Hayes
The Objectives of the Association are:
To assist its membership to adjust to life in Canada and to encourage the preservation of cultural traditions of its membership which would enhance their contributions as a community to Canada.
To provide Social, Cultural and Recreational amenities for its membership and to provide facilities which would contribute to their physical and intellectual advancement.
To maintain a lawful, social, non-political and non-profit organization. According to the Association’s bylaws, anyone can become a member, but, to be a voting member or to hold office, you must be an Immigrant or Canadian with origins in the Christian Community of the “Indian Sub-Continent”, or the Spouse or Child of such immigrant or Canadian. The context of “Indian Sub-Continent” applies to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Sri-Lanka.