Canorient AGM 2020 – CANCELLED

Due to the current situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and the social distancing restrictions put in place by the province, Co-Op is restricting the use of their auditorium.

Keeping in mind the health and safety of our members, we are CANCELLING the AGM that was scheduled for, March 15th, 2020. 

As soon as the situation improves, and social distancing restrictions relaxed, we will proceed with rescheduling the AGM.

Please stay safe and healthy. God Bless. 

CCA Committe

The Annual General Meeting of the Canorient Christian Association is scheduled on Sunday March 15, 2020. The meeting will start promptly at 2:00 p.m. at the Brentwood Co-Op Auditorium. 4122 Brentwood Rd NW. Please note that there is no wheelchair access to the auditorium.

The agenda will be as follows:

1) Read and adopt the minutes of the Special General Meeting held on April 14, 2019.
2) Read and adopt the treasurer’s audited financial report 2019/20.
3) Snacks served approximately at 3:30pm
4) Election of the new Committee Members for the year 2020/21.
5) Appoint an Auditor for the new term.
6) Any other business with the permission of the Chair.

To help us arrange the catering, please confirm your attendance to any of the committee members latest by March 7, 2020.

Thank you for all your support this past year. We look forward to your participation in and support of the 2020 Canorient Committee!

The Executive Committee
Canorient Christian Association

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