CCA Children’s Christmas Tree 2011

The CCA hosted their annual Children’s Christmas Tree at the INCA hall on Saturday, December 3rd 2011.

The Committee sends out a huge “thank you” to all the members, their kids and the Pageant producers for their help in making this event another tremendous success. The kids did a wonderful job in acting out the story of the Birth of Christ. They put in many hours of practice over the last three months, as did the producers who patiently worked with them to put together so wonderful a performance.

Mother Nature tried to play the Grinch, by blanketing Calgary with 5 inches of snow the evening of the party, but neither snow nor slippery roads could keep the one hundred or so guests from showing up. She also could not keep away the most important guest of all, and with Rudolph and the other reindeer parked up on the roof, the Jolly Old Guy and his Jolly Old Gal slid down the chimney to hand deliver gifts to the kids.

Special thanks go out to Imperial Oil, who through the generosity of their Imperial Oil Foundation gave a cash grant to the Canorient. This grant was used to cover the cost of the pageant for our members’ children.

The event was catered for by our very own Lisa Viegas, and with the music of DJ Humayun, and live performances by Manu and Jonathon, ensured that everyone had a merry old time.

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