Las Vegas in Alberta … Casino 2012


The Canorient Christian Association gave their members a Vegas experience right here in beautiful Kananaskis Country, Alberta.

We know our members and their guests sure do love their casinos! Everyone arrived on time and some even had time to do a Timmy’s run while waiting for the bus. We did a draw for the casino voucher on the bus and it was well received.

The bus trip was only about 40 minutes. There was ample room for the walkers. The driver, with a wealth of information, was like a tour bus driver. He pointed out places of interest and gave us a bit of history about the Stoney Nation Indians. The lunch was enough for everyone and actually quite delicious. It rained the entire day in Kananaskis and was a bit on the cool side , so definitely not a day for a walk in the wild outdoors.

We asked for our return time to be extended by an hour, and the organizers were quite obliging, so after a day of gambling, we left at 3:30 and were back in Calgary by 4:30. There were quite a few winners – many of the seniors appeared to be doing well at the slot machines, and some even came out richer than they went in!

Pictures have been uploaded to Facebook; view them here.

Again the committee would like to thank everyone for their support, especially the seniors.

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